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Welcome to Just Play & Live Life. (^-^)/ I am むージン, the author of this blog.  Disclaimer : This blog is just my haven for recording my m...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

[Life Updates] Circuit Breaker in SG, ... etc

Day 9 of Circuit Breaker in Singapore

Its been a crazy crazy time with the Covid-19 situation in Singapore. I've been caught up with life and mostly maplestorym (a.k.a msm) the past months, -that I pretty much threw my blog under the carpet-, and the endless backlog of my blog posts just keeps accumulating (LOL to all my backdated posts).

So, its day 9 since Singapore went into Circuit Breaker, which is a measure to minimize the community spread of the Covid-19 (first known as the wuhan virus). The whole situation is pretty crazy, there's legit no other words that best describe the whole thing. This is, hands down, the most disruptive virus in the century, since I was born, even more so than SARS.

Being in an essential services line of work, the past weeks have been pretty usual for me, with the exception of split teams which did bring some level of inconvenience to work in general. Currently, the workplace is ever-changing in their employee arrangements as the government introduces more  and increasingly strict measures to fight against the Covid-19.

That aside, I really wanted to document how productive my long extended weekend was, hence, though very reluctant, I'm about to break my streak of Travel Logs for this.

I took the past 2 days off work in extension to the good Friday weekend and it was the best long weekend I have had in a while as I got so many things done, including getting back into posting my travel logs which are now exactly a year overdue LOL.

But before that, just to document what went on before Circuit Breaker happened, as our community progressively introduced safe distancing measures:

At some point badminton courts looked like this - empty:

And lifts are limited to 4 people, in the respective corners:

Haha. So, back to my very productive weekend. I finally got rid of one of these wooden shelves and made some space for my chair to roll about -it has always been very cramp πŸ˜‘, been wanting to throw that out for quite a while now, so I'm really glad I finally did just that-. I spent pretty much the whole day thrashing and moving things about from the shelves, and the storage under my table. Even then, I can hardly say that its done because I still have a pile of blank notebooks which I have no idea where to stash them. My brain is telling me to thrash them out because I'll probably never use them but, my heart is saying no. *internal struggles so lets just leave that hanging for now, LOL*.

I managed to squeeze that hanger to clip on the side of the shelf which now houses the ukelele and I really like the feel of it (will I finally pick it up and practice again πŸ˜‚)

Who would have expected, my first ever shake shack (from SG branch) would be through delivery?!
(FoodPanda has them though limited deliverable areas)

Also, after weeks of procrastination, I finally shipped this out.
(Yes, CircleDNA, I had been going back and forth on this for quite a couple of months before my curiosity took over when I saw it in the stores of Watson's (CircleDNA x Watsons collaboration). I bought it online during the International Women Day sales which costs SGD 680.99 for their premium kit. Its a hefty price to pay for curiosity but if its for a lifetime then.. why not. lolol. Product review to come soon once everything is done)

And the random moments, 
Prawn Mee take out for brekkie, yesterday!  

AND, I baked. Jole forwarded me an Insta-story a couple of days ago by @taytay_xx which showcased her Crispy Ribbon Roasted Potatoes recipe. 
I wasn't gonna end the perfect long weekend without trying these. I love LOVED the potatoes. Rosemary with salted butter and garlic is da bomb and I think this sauce might go well with button mushrooms too (because rosemary x button mushrooms is a thing)!  

And that's all the updates, signing off to a new week of uncertainty in the office, 
Its mid-week! Stay safe, Mask up, may Covid-19 end soon. 

Peace out. 😎